Are Dance Studios Crazy?
Tights, tutus and point shoes. The clack of tap shoes and the chatter of dance friends. Bags filled with leotards, costumes, ballet, tap and jazz shoes. Mirrors, ballet bars and wood floors. A home away from home. The dance studio. Just how serious can the sport of dance get and what are the benefits? It’s serious fun, serious growth and unlimited benefits.
First and foremost it’s fun. That’s right, Fun, with a capital F. Kids start learning to move their bodies, be free and creative. They’ll make dance friends and have a great time. Be bop to music and make wonderful memories. From that first class once a week, the fun continues, it grows and morphs. It becomes a sport as they put in more time (20+ hours a week), more classes and bloom into a dancer with a dance family surrounding and supporting them.
Dance Studios will also help build your child’s confidence and self worth. Learning and mastering new skills will help bring a sense of accomplishment. You will see their eyes light up when they tell you they did their first pirouette (spin) or shuffle ball change with all the correct tap sounds. Or remember an entire routine and perform on stage. As confidence grows they start competing competitively Imagine them beaming with their first win, bringing home a trophy, medal or ribbon.
Dance Studios Should Create Healthy Environments!
Dance also helps build teamwork. Yes, you read that correctly – teamwork. Dance isn’t just a solo sport. It’s groups working cohesively to create a story through movement. To create art. And it requires working together, hours of practice and dedication. Getting timing correct, doing moves in perfect sequence, flowing together, hitting the correct marks and sometimes partner work. It’s a team sport, creating a dance, and your child will be part of the team, learning to work well with others. As they continue to hone their skills, add more dance hours and become part of the competitive dance troupe their teamwork skills will explode! They will learn to win and lose as a team, with graciousness and courtesy.
Moving from dance classes to the competitive stage, it’s also about good sportsmanship. Learning one may not always be front and center. Everyone gets their moment to shine. You child will learn to celebrate the success of other dancers, not just their own. To learn to appreciate all types of dance and all dancers. They become part of a community. The dance community.
Beyond classes is performing. Your child will learn the thrill of displaying their talents during recitals. Then they will have the amazing opportunity to travel all over the country. Seeing new places, meeting new people as they travel to compete and perform shows, bringing happiness to others through dance. Learning to smile and sell a routine on stage. Stage presence is a life long skill, not just for the dance stage, but the stage of life. Learning to smile and keep going is a life long skill which will always serve them.
Dance classes and competitive dance provide a positive outlet for your child to build character, work ethic, strength, muscle, flexibility and creativity. Like all sports, dance and movement require training, and discipline. Dance is a lovely and beautiful sport.
Centre Stage Dance Studio in Scottsdale is the perfect place for your child’s dance journey. A journey of a lifetime with forever friends and a home away from home. A journey that will build self worth and responsibility. From the first class to the final bow Centre Stage Dance Studio will make your dancer’s experience a positive, life changing, life enhancing adventure.